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Official OK Boomer Rules

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OK Boomer is a trivia game by QUOKKA where players compete to answer questions from different generations. The goal is to answer questions correctly to move around the board and reach the finish line first.


To be the first player to reach the finish line by correctly answering trivia questions from different generational categories.


  • Game board

  • Question cards (divided into different generational categories)

  • Player tokens

  • Dice

  • Timer


  1. Set Up the Board: Place the game board in the center of the playing area.

  2. Select Tokens: Each player chooses a token and places it at the starting point on the board.

  3. Separate Question Cards: Divide the question cards into their respective generational categories and shuffle each deck. Place them in their designated spots on the board.

  4. Determine First Player: Each player rolls the dice, and the highest roller goes first.

Generational Categories

  • Baby Boomers

  • Generation X

  • Millennials

  • Generation Z


  1. Roll the Dice: The first player rolls the dice and moves their token the corresponding number of spaces on the board.

  2. Answering Questions: The player draws a question card from the deck matching the space they landed on (or the color coded category). Another player reads the question to them.

  3. Timing: The player has 30 seconds (use the timer) to answer the question.

  4. Correct Answers: If the player answers correctly, they get to roll the dice and move again. If they answer incorrectly, their turn ends and the next player takes their turn.

  5. Special Spaces: Some spaces on the board may have special instructions (e.g., move forward, lose a turn). Follow these instructions when landing on such a space.

Winning the Game

  • The first player to reach the finish line wins the game.

  • If players land on the finish line at the same time, they must answer one final question correctly to win.

Strategy Tips

  • Know Your Strengths: Focus on questions from generations you are most familiar with to maximize your chances of answering correctly.

  • Block Opponents: Use special spaces strategically to hinder your opponents' progress.

  • Keep Moving: Answer correctly to keep rolling and moving towards the finish line.


  • Team Play: Players can form teams to compete, combining their knowledge across generations.

  • Extended Play: For a longer game, players must circle the board multiple times before reaching the finish line.

QUOKKA OK Boomer is a fun and engaging game that sparks conversations and tests knowledge across different generations.

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