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Official Salem 1692 Rules

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Salem 1692 is a social deduction game set in the historical context of the Salem witch trials. Players assume the roles of villagers or witches, each with their own objectives, and attempt to uncover the witches among them while pursuing their personal goals.


  • Villagers aim to identify and eliminate all the witches.

  • Witches aim to eliminate all the villagers or create chaos without being discovered.


  1. Players: 4-12 players.

  2. Roles:

    • Villagers: Each player receives a role card indicating their identity and special abilities (if any). Villagers work together to identify witches.

    • Witches: A portion of the players will secretly be witches. They have special abilities and work to undermine the villagers.

    • Moderator: One player (or an external moderator) oversees the game, ensures that rules are followed, and guides the narrative.

  3. Role Cards:

    • Shuffle and distribute role cards to each player. Each card should be kept secret.

  4. Game Board and Components:

    • Town Board: Represents different locations in Salem.

    • Event Cards: Used to introduce various events and challenges during the game.

    • Action Tokens: Used by players to perform actions or use abilities.

  5. Starting Setup:

    • Place the Town Board in the center.

    • Give each player their role card and any associated tokens.

    • Prepare the Event Deck and place it face down.


The game is played in a series of rounds, with each round consisting of the following phases:

  1. Night Phase:

    • Witch Actions: The witches secretly discuss and decide on actions, such as targeting a villager for elimination or causing chaos.

    • Moderator Actions: The moderator guides the witches' actions and manages the game flow.

  2. Day Phase:

    • Event Resolution: Draw an Event Card and resolve its effects, which may include introducing new challenges or changing game conditions.

    • Discussion: Players discuss the events of the night and share their suspicions and theories.

    • Accusation: Players can accuse others of being witches. Accusations are discussed and voted upon.

    • Execution: If a player is voted to be executed, their role is revealed, and they are removed from the game.

  3. Action Phase:

    • Villager Actions: Villagers can use special abilities or items to investigate, protect, or influence other players.

    • Witch Actions: Witches may use their powers to disrupt the villagers or deceive them.

  4. End of Round:

    • Check Victory Conditions: Determine if any victory conditions have been met, such as the witches successfully eliminating all villagers or the villagers identifying and executing all witches.


  • Villagers Win: If all witches are identified and eliminated.

  • Witches Win: If all villagers are eliminated or the witches achieve their objective.

Tips for Playing:

  • Communicate Carefully: Share information and suspicions with other players to uncover the witches, but be cautious of deceptive tactics.

  • Use Special Abilities Wisely: If you have special abilities or items, use them strategically to advance your goals.

  • Pay Attention to Events: Events can significantly impact the game, so adapt your strategy accordingly.

Example Setup:

  1. Roles: Include roles such as Villager, Witch, and any special roles with unique abilities.

  2. Event Deck: Contains various events that affect the game dynamics.

  3. Moderator: Oversees the game, manages role actions, and ensures smooth gameplay.

Note: For detailed rules and gameplay instructions, please refer to the official rulebook PDF at the top of the page.

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