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Official Jaipur Rules

Jaipur is a fun and strategic two-player card game where you compete to become the Maharaja's personal trader by collecting and selling goods. Here's how to play:


  • The objective of the Jaipur game is to be the first player to collect  two Seal of Excellence tokens. These tokens represent your reputation as a trader and ultimately your path to becoming the Maharaja's personal trader.


1. Sort Goods Cards: Sort the goods cards by type with the highest value on top. Spread each pile face down in the center of the playing area.

2. Sort Bonus Tokens: Sort the bonus tokens by point value (usually 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10) and shuffle each type separately. Stack the shuffled piles face down next to the goods card piles.

3. Camel Token & Seals: Place the camel token and the three Seal of Excellence tokens next to the bonus token stacks.


The game is played in rounds. Here's what happens in each round:

  1. Market Setup: Draw two cards from the goods deck and place them face up in the center of the playing area, next to each other. These are the market goods available for purchase this round.

  2. Starting Player: Choose a starting player (you can flip a coin or pick someone). The starting player will alternate throughout the game.

  3. Taking Your Turn: On your turn, you can take one of two actions:

    • Take Cards: You can choose to take either:

      • All Camels: Take all the camel cards from your hand. These are used for trading but have no value when selling.

      • One Card: Take one card either from the market display or from the top of the goods deck. You can only take one card, not both.

    • Sell Cards: You can choose to sell all the cards of one good type (e.g., all spices) from your hand. The value of the goods sold determines how many bonus tokens you receive:

      • Sell 3 cards of the same good: Get 1 bonus token (draw from the 1, 2, or 3 point pile).

      • Sell 4 cards of the same good: Get 1 bonus token (draw from the 4, 5, or 6 point pile).

      • Sell 5 cards of the same good: Get 1 bonus token (draw from the 8, 9, or 10 point pile).

Important Rules:

  • You can never have more than seven cards in your hand at the end of your turn. If taking a card would put you over seven, you must discard cards down to seven before drawing a new one.

  • You can only sell one type of good each round (e.g., you can't sell spices and cloth in the same turn).

  • The value of the bonus token is unknown until you draw it.

End of Round:

  1. Camel Bonus: The player with the most camels in their hand at the end of the round claims the camel token. This token is worth 5 points when selling goods.

  2. Selling & Scoring: All players reveal the cards they want to sell and take the corresponding bonus tokens from the deck.

  3. Richest Trader: After selling, compare the total value of goods tokens (including the camel token if someone has it) each player has collected that round. The richer trader takes one Seal of Excellence token.

    • In case of a tie, the player with the most bonus tokens wins the Seal.

    • If there's still a tie, the player with the most goods cards wins the Seal.

  4. Discard & Draw: Discard all played cards (market cards and sold goods) to a discard pile. Each player draws five new cards from the goods deck to refill their hand.

Winning the Game

  • The first player to collect two Seal of Excellence tokens wins the game and becomes the Maharaja's personal trader!


Jaipur is a fast-paced game that requires strategic thinking and a bit of luck. Here are a few strategies to try!

1. Card Acquisition:

  • Early Camels: Consider grabbing camels early on, especially if there are no high-value goods (gems, silver, gold) available in the market display. Camels allow you to collect multiple cards in future turns, giving you more flexibility and potentially bigger sets for selling.

  • Balance Variety and Sets: While aiming for sets to sell for higher value tokens, don't neglect to pick up some variety in your hand. This ensures you have options in case the market doesn't offer the goods you need to complete a set.

  • Watch the Deck Height: Pay attention to the remaining cards in the goods deck. If the deck is running low, it might be riskier to pass on taking a card from the market, as you might miss out on valuable goods entirely.

2. Selling Strategies:

  • Sell When Advantageous: Don't just sell to get rid of cards. Look for opportunities to sell when you have a good set and can potentially claim the "richest trader" title for that round, earning a Seal of Excellence token.

  • Hold Onto Rare Goods: If you have a good amount of a less common good (like leather), consider holding onto them for a bit longer. Players might be less likely to have sets of these goods, increasing the value of your potential sale.

  • Deny Your Opponent: In some situations, you might choose to sell a smaller set (even if it means a lower value token) to prevent your opponent from completing a larger set and claiming the "richest trader" title.

3. General Tips:

  • Track Your Opponent: Pay attention to the cards your opponent collects and discards. This can give you clues about their strategy and what goods they might be looking for.

  • Camel Bonus: Don't underestimate the Camel token. The 5 points it provides can be a significant boost in a close round.

  • Adapt and Be Flexible: Jaipur has elements of luck and strategy. Be prepared to adjust your approach based on the available cards and your opponent's actions.

"Jaipur" is a strategic game that involves managing resources, timing actions, and reading your opponent's moves. Enjoy the vibrant market of Jaipur and strive to become the Maharaja's most successful trader!

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