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Official Santa Cookie Elf Candy Snowman Rules

Santa Cookie Elf Candy Snowman is a fast-paced and fun card game, perfect for kids and families! Here's how to play:


Be the first player to get rid of all your cards!


1. Shuffle and Deal: Shuffle the deck of cards and deal all the cards face down to the players, ensuring everyone has roughly the same number of cards.

2. Starting Player: The youngest player usually starts, but you can also choose randomly.


  1. Playing a Card: On your turn, you have two options:

    • Play a Card that Matches: Flip the top card from your deck face up to the discard pile in the center of the playing area. If the word on the played card matches the word spoken by the previous player, then... SLAP!

    • Say the Next Word: If the played card doesn't match the spoken word, you simply say the next word in the sequence: Santa, Cookie, Elf, Candy, Snowman (and then back to Santa).

  2. The Slapping Frenzy: Here's the key part!  As soon as a player flips a card that matches the spoken word, ALL PLAYERS must try to slap the discard pile FIRST.

  3. Penalty for Slow Slapping: The slowest player to slap the pile (or whoever slaps incorrectly) picks up the entire discard pile and adds it to the bottom of their deck. Ouch!

  4. Continue Play:  The player who successfully slapped the discard pile starts the next round by saying the next word in the sequence and flipping another card from their deck.

Winning the Game

The first player to get rid of all their cards wins the game and is declared the champion of festive slapping!


  • The game can get quite fast-paced and silly, especially with younger players.

  • Encourage everyone to be enthusiastic with their slapping and saying the words in the sequence.

  • For a shorter game, you can start with fewer cards dealt to each player.

  • This is a great game to play during the holiday season or anytime you want a quick and lighthearted game with friends and family.

Enjoy the festive fun of Santa Cookie Elf Candy Snowman!

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