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Official Jacks Rules

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Jacks, also known as knucklebones, is a classic children's game that involves picking up small objects called jacks while a ball is in the air. Here are the basic rules and variations for playing Jacks:


The objective of the game is to pick up all the jacks in the correct order while catching the ball after one bounce.


  1. Equipment:

    • A small rubber ball.

    • A set of jacks (typically 10).

  2. Players:

    • The game can be played by one or more players.

Basic Rules

  1. Starting the Game:

    • Players decide who goes first by seeing who can pick up one jack the fastest or by any other agreed method.

    • The first player scatters the jacks on a flat surface.

  2. Gameplay:

    • The player throws the ball into the air, allowing it to bounce once.

    • While the ball is in the air, the player picks up the required number of jacks with one hand and then catches the ball before it bounces a second time.

    • The player continues with the next round if successful; otherwise, it becomes the next player’s turn.

  3. Rounds:

    • Onesies: Pick up one jack at a time.

    • Twosies: Pick up two jacks at a time.

    • Threesies: Pick up three jacks at a time.

    • Continue this pattern up to Tensies.

  4. Winning the Game:

    • The game is won by the first player to successfully complete all rounds, from Onesies to Tensies.

Additional Rules

  1. No-Bounce Rule: In some variations, players must catch the ball without letting it bounce.

  2. Pigs in the Pen: Players pick up a specific number of jacks (e.g., four) and separate them into a "pen" while still picking up and catching the ball.

  3. Scrubs: If a player drops a jack or the ball, they must start their turn over from the beginning.

  4. Around the World: Players must pick up jacks in a specific pattern or order, such as clockwise or counterclockwise.

  5. Sweep: Players can sweep their hand across the surface to collect multiple jacks in one motion.


  1. Two-Handed Jacks: Players use both hands to pick up jacks.

  2. No-Bounce Catch: Players must catch the ball without letting it bounce at all.

  3. Speed Jacks: The game is played at a faster pace, requiring quick reflexes.

  4. Odd-Even: Players pick up jacks in groups of odd or even numbers (e.g., Onesies, Threesies, Fivesies, etc.).

Tips for Playing

  • Practice: Improve hand-eye coordination by practicing regularly.

  • Focus: Concentrate on the ball and the jacks simultaneously.

  • Strategy: Develop a consistent method for picking up jacks quickly and efficiently.

Jacks is a versatile and engaging game that can be enjoyed by players of all ages. It helps develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and strategic thinking.

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