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Official Limbo (Dance) Rules

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Limbo is a popular game, based on traditions that originated on the island of Tobago. The aim is to pass forwards under a low bar without falling or dislodging the bar.

Objective: To bend your body backwards and pass under a horizontal bar without touching it.

How to Play:

  1. Set Up the Bar: A horizontal bar (or pole) is held at a low height by two people.

  2. Take Turns: Players take turns attempting to pass under the bar.

  3. The Move: Players must bend backward, keeping their feet flat on the ground and their back straight. No part of their body should touch the bar.

  4. Lowering the Bar: After each round, the bar is lowered slightly, increasing the difficulty.

  5. Elimination: If a player touches the bar, they are eliminated from the game.

  6. Winner: The last player remaining who can successfully pass under the bar is the winner.


  • Practice good posture and flexibility.

  • Keep your back straight and core engaged.

  • Use your arms to help balance.

Limbo is a fun and challenging game that tests flexibility and balance. Enjoy the friendly competition and see how low you can go!

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