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Official Simon Says Rules

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Simon Says is a children's game for three or more players. One player assumes the role of "Simon" and gives commands to the other players, which should only be obeyed if preceded by the phrase "Simon says."

Objective: Be the last player remaining in the game.

How to Play:

  1. Choose Simon: One person is designated as "Simon."

  2. Simon Gives Commands: Simon gives commands to the other players. These commands can be any action, such as "touch your nose," "hop on one foot," or "stand on one leg."

  3. Obeying Commands: Players must only follow commands that are preceded by the phrase "Simon says." For example, if Simon says "Simon says touch your nose," everyone must touch their nose. However, if Simon simply says "touch your toes," players should not follow the command.

  4. Elimination: Any player who follows a command not preceded by "Simon says" is eliminated from the game.

  5. The Winner: The last player remaining is the winner and becomes the next Simon.


  • Simon can try to trick players by giving commands quickly or without saying "Simon says."

  • Players should listen carefully to Simon's commands and avoid making mistakes.

Simon Says is a fun and engaging game that tests players' listening skills and ability to follow instructions.

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