Trying to come up with excuses to get drunk during the holiday's? We've got you covered. Here's a mix of drinking games you can play with friends and family.

🎅 Christmas Movie Drinking Game
How to Play: Pick a classic Christmas movie (like Home Alone, Elf, or The Grinch) and assign drinking rules based on recurring themes. For example:
Take a sip whenever someone says "Christmas."
Take a drink every time Kevin screams in Home Alone.
Finish your drink when someone learns "the true meaning of Christmas."
Why It’s Fun: It spices up your typical holiday movies with a drinking twist!
🍻 Buzzed
How to Play: This new drinking card game has a warning about getting tipsy on it! Click here for the rules. Players draw cards and follow the instructions leading to hilarious interactions and often, drinking!
Why It's Fun: Easy to include a large group of friends and family and is designed specifically to get you drunk.
🍷 Drunken Snowman
What You Need: A dice and drinks.
How to Play:
Players take turns rolling the dice and building their snowman step by step.
Roll a 1: Add a base.
Roll a 2: Add a middle.
Roll a 3: Add a head.
Roll a 4, 5, or 6: Take a drink.
First player to complete their snowman wins; everyone else drinks!
Why It’s Fun: It's competitive, simple, and works well with festive drinks.
🥃 Cards Against Humanity (Drunk Version)
This one is super easy if you already know the classic card game, Cards Against Humanity.
Basically It's the exact same game, but in this version every "point" you earn you have to right to make another player take a drink.
For a detailed guide on how to play the original game, Click here.
🥂 Guess the Ingredients Dinner Game (Drinking Version)
What you Need: A delicious homemade dinner and friends to enjoy it!
How to Play:
Go around the table and take turns guessing the ingredients that went into the dish (or dishes), it can be as simple as "salt" and as complex as "ghee (clarified butter). If someone says an ingredient correctly, that ingredient cannot be used anymore.
If anyone repeats or can't think of one, they take a sip!
Why It's Fun: It's easy to play and involves everyone + you get to learn about what was in your meal.
So there are the Best Drinking Games To Play During The Holiday's! Whether it's with friends, family, or a combination, these quick and easy games are sure to get the liquor flowing and everyone drinking.