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Official Machi Koro Rules

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Machi Koro is a delightful Japanese dice-rolling game where players compete to develop their city and complete landmarks first. Here's how to play:

The objective of Machi Koro is to be the first player to construct all four of their landmarks.


  • 108 cards (featuring various establishments and landmarks)

  • 2 dice

  • 54 coin tokens

  • Player boards


  1. Give each player a starting set: 1 Wheat Field (blue) and 1 Bakery (green).

  2. Place the remaining establishment cards in the center of the table, sorted by type and arranged into piles. These are the supply.

  3. Each player takes a set of landmark cards: Train Station, Shopping Mall, Amusement Park, and Radio Tower. Place these face down on their player board (unconstructed side up).

  4. Give each player 3 coins to start the game.

Game Flow

  1. Roll Dice: On your turn, roll one die (or two if your Train Station is constructed).

  2. Activate Establishments: Based on the dice roll, activate any establishments that match the roll number.

    • Blue Cards (Primary Industry): Activate on any player’s turn.

    • Green Cards (Secondary Industry): Activate only on your turn.

    • Red Cards (Restaurants): Activate on other players' turns.

    • Purple Cards (Major Establishments): Have unique activation conditions.

  3. Earn Coins: Collect coins based on the establishments you activated.

  4. Construction Phase: Spend coins to:

    • Buy new establishment cards from the supply.

    • Construct one of your landmarks.

Special Rules

  • Multiple Dice: Once the Train Station is constructed, you can choose to roll one or two dice.

  • Combining Dice: Some establishments have numbers that can only be achieved by rolling two dice and summing the results.

  • Turn End: Your turn ends after the construction phase. The next player clockwise takes their turn.

Winning the Game

The game ends immediately when a player constructs all of their landmarks. That player is declared the winner.

Tips and Strategy

  • Early Game: Focus on building a mix of blue and green establishments to ensure a steady income.

  • Red Cards: Invest in red cards to hinder your opponents' progress.

  • Landmarks: Prioritize constructing landmarks that enhance your strategy, such as the Train Station for more dice options or the Shopping Mall for increased income from certain establishments.

Example Turn

  1. Roll one die and get a 3.

  2. Activate establishments matching the number 3:

    • If you have a Bakery (green, activates on your turn), you earn 1 coin.

  3. Collect the coin.

  4. Use your coins to buy a new establishment or construct a landmark.

Machi Koro offers a fun and engaging gameplay experience with a touch of strategy. A somewhat niche game that is one of our favorites! 

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