Official Kingdomino Rules
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Objective: In Kingdomino, the goal is to build a 5x5 grid kingdom by connecting different terrain types and maximizing points based on the number of crowns in each connected terrain area.
Players: 2-4 players.
48 domino tiles, each showing two terrain types (fields, forests, lakes, grasslands, swamps, or mines).
4 starting tiles and 4 kings (one per player).
4 3D castles (optional).
Starting the Game:
Each player places their starting tile face up in front of them and puts their king on it.
Shuffle the domino tiles. Draw as many tiles as there are players, and place them in numerical order, face up in a column.
Selecting Dominoes:
For the first round, players randomly determine the order in which they choose dominoes. Each player selects a domino by placing their king on it.
Draw another set of dominoes equal to the number of players and place them face up in numerical order next to the first set.
In subsequent rounds, the player whose king is on the top domino in the current set will choose first from the new set, and so on.
Placing Dominoes:
When it’s your turn, take the domino tile where your king is and add it to your kingdom. The tile must be placed adjacent to your starting tile or to a matching terrain type in your kingdom.
You can rotate the tile however you like, but the entire kingdom must remain within a 5x5 grid.
After placing your domino, move your king to a new domino in the next set.
Scoring Points:
The game ends when all the tiles have been placed. Players then calculate their scores.
Score points by multiplying the number of connected squares of the same terrain type by the number of crowns in that terrain. For example, if you have 3 connected forest squares and 2 crowns, that area scores 6 points (3 x 2 = 6).
Repeat this for each terrain type in your kingdom.
Winning the Game:
The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.
In case of a tie, the player with the largest single connected area of terrain wins. If still tied, the player with the most crowns in their kingdom wins.
2-Player Game: For a 2-player game, each player builds a 7x7 grid kingdom, and each player controls two kings, choosing two dominoes per round.
Dynasty Mode: Play three consecutive games, adding the scores of each game to determine the ultimate winner.
Those are the basic rules for Kingdomino! For detailed gameplay, refer to the official PDF located at the top of the page.