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Official Unstable Unicorns for Kids Edition Rules

Unstable Unicorns for Kids is a simplified and exciting version of the original Unstable Unicorns game, designed specifically for younger players (ages 6 and up). Here's a breakdown of the rules to help your little ones embark on a magical adventure to collect the most unicorns!


The aim of the game is to be the first player to collect a certain number of Unicorns in your Stable.


1. Separate the Decks: Shuffle the unicorn deck and the magic deck separately.

2. Choose a Baby Unicorn: Each player picks their favorite baby unicorn card (usually featuring a single unicorn) and places it face up on their stable mat. This represents their starting unicorn. The remaining baby unicorn cards go back in the box.

3. Deal Cards: Deal five unicorn cards face down to each player.


The game is played in turns, with players going clockwise around the table. Here's what happens on your turn:

Phase 1: Draw a Card

  • Draw the top card from the unicorn deck and add it to your hand without showing it to others.

Phase 2: Play an Action (Optional)

  • You can play a unicorn card from your hand face up in front of you at your stable. Each unicorn card adds to your collection and brings you closer to winning.

  • You can also play a magic card from your hand. These sparkly cards have helpful effects like letting you draw more cards, swap unicorns with other players, or even protect your stable from grumpy unicorns.

Important Note: You can only play one card (unicorn or magic) per turn.

Phase 3: Discard a Card (Always)

  • After taking your action (or choosing not to take one), you must discard one card from your hand face down to a discard pile.

End of Your Turn:

That's it! The turn ends, and play moves to the next player in clockwise order. Game Terms

  • Stable: The area in front of each player where Unicorn cards are placed.

  • Draw Phase: The phase at the beginning of each player's turn where they draw one card from the draw pile.

  • Action Phase: The phase where players can play one card from their hand.

End Phase: The phase where players discard down to the hand limit (7 cards). Card Types

  • Unicorn Cards: These are placed in your Stable and help you reach the goal of collecting Unicorns.

  • Magic Cards: These have immediate effects when played and are then discarded.

  • Upgrade Cards: These give positive effects to your Stable.

  • Downgrade Cards: These give negative effects to other players' Stables.

  • Instant Cards: These can be played at any time to counteract other players' actions.

Winning the Game

  • The first player to collect seven unicorn cards in their stable wins the game and is crowned the Champion Unicorn Collector!


  • Neigh Card (Optional):  This card (if included) allows you to stop another player from playing a card by saying "Neigh!" The stopped card goes into that player's discard pile.

  • Playing Open-Handed (Optional):  For younger players who can't read yet, you can allow them to keep their cards face up on the table during gameplay. This helps them see all their options and makes the game more accessible.

  • Baby Unicorns: These are always placed in your Stable and cannot be destroyed.

  • Rainbow Unicorns: These count as two Unicorns.

  • Magic and Instant Cards: These can change the game state quickly; use them strategically to block opponents or boost your own progress.

Unstable Unicorns for Kids is all about having fun and collecting the most magical unicorns. Encourage cooperation, celebrate each other's wins, and enjoy the silly and colorful world of unicorns!

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