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Official Deluxe Pente Rules

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Deluxe Pente should follow the same basic rules as regular Pente, but it might come with a nicer game board or playing pieces. Here's a breakdown of Pente rules:

Objective: The objective of Pente is to either capture five pairs of an opponent's stones or to align five of your own stones in a row, vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.


  • Pente game board (19x19 grid)

  • 18 glass stones per player (two different colors)

  • Drawstring storage bag


  1. Each player chooses a color and takes their set of stones.

  2. The board is placed between the two players.

  3. Decide who will go first. Traditionally, the player with the clear stones starts the game.


  1. Players take turns placing one stone at a time on any empty intersection on the board.

  2. The first stone of the game is placed on the center point of the board.

  3. After the first move, players can place their stones on any unoccupied point on the board.

Winning the Game:

  1. Aligning five of their stones in a row (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally).

  2. Capturing five pairs of the opponent's stones.

Capturing Stones:

  • A pair of the opponent's stones is captured by surrounding two of the opponent’s stones on both ends with the player’s own stones.

  • Example: If a row on the board reads XOOX, the player with stones X has captured the two O stones.

  • Captured stones are removed from the board and kept by the capturing player.

Advanced Rules:

  1. Tournament Rule for the Opening Move: The first player places one stone in the center and the second player places their first stone on one of the four center points.

  2. Turn-Based Position (TBP): To balance the game, after the first two stones are placed, the players alternate turns.


  • Blocking your opponent from getting five in a row.

  • Creating multiple lines of attack to force your opponent to defend in multiple places.

  • Setting up captures by positioning your stones to surround potential pairs.

Enjoy the challenge of Pente and see if you can outsmart your opponent!

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