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Official WHAT DO YOU MEME? For The Girls Game Rules

"What Do You Meme? For The Girls" is a party game designed specifically for women, based on the popular "What Do You Meme?" concept. Here are the basic rules:


  • The goal of "What Do You Meme? For The Girls" is to create the funniest meme combinations by matching caption cards with photo cards.


  1. Shuffle Decks: Shuffle the deck of photo cards and the deck of caption cards separately.

  2. Deal Cards: Deal a hand of caption cards to each player. The number of cards in each player's hand depends on the number of players and personal preference.


Turn Sequence: Players take turns acting as the judge, while the other players compete to create the funniest meme combinations.

  1. Judge Selection: Determine the order of judging, either clockwise or by a random method.

  2. Photo Selection: The judge draws a photo card from the deck and displays it for all players to see.

  3. Caption Selection: All players (except the judge) choose a caption card from their hand that they think pairs best with the displayed photo.

  4. Submission: Players submit their chosen caption cards face down to the judge.

  5. Judging: The judge shuffles the submitted caption cards and reads them aloud. The judge then selects the funniest or most fitting caption/photo combination as the winner of the round.

  6. Scoring: The player whose caption card is chosen as the winner earns a point for the round. If desired, additional points can be awarded for second and third place selections.

  7. Rotation: After each round, the role of judge rotates to the next player, and the process repeats.

Winning the Game

  • The game continues for a set number of rounds or until players decide to end. The player with the highest score at the end of the game is declared the winner.


House Rules: Players can create their own house rules or variations to tailor the game to their preferences and group dynamics.

  • Themed Rounds: Players can introduce themed rounds or categories of photo cards to add variety to the game.


  • Know Your Audience: Consider the preferences and sense of humor of the judge when selecting caption cards.

  • Be Creative: Don't be afraid to think outside the box and come up with unique and unexpected combinations.

  • Timing: Pay attention to the timing and delivery of your memes, as well-timed submissions can often lead to more laughs and success.

"What Do You Meme? For The Girls" is a hilarious and entertaining game that encourages creativity, laughter, and memorable moments with friends. Whether it's a girls' night in, a bachelorette party, or any other gathering, "What Do You Meme? For The Girls" is sure to add fun and excitement to the occasion.

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