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Official Who's Most Likely to... Kinda Clean Edition Rules

"Who's Most Likely to... Kinda Clean Family Edition" is a party game where players guess which family member is most likely to do various activities or behave in certain ways. Here are the rules:


The objective of "Who's Most Likely to... Kinda Clean Family Edition" is to guess which family member is most likely to perform the activities or behaviors described on the cards.


1. Shuffle the "Who's Most Likely to... Kinda Clean Family Edition" card deck.

2. Determine a starting player or team.


  1. On their turn, the starting player draws a card from the deck and reads the prompt or question aloud.

  2. All players (except the reader) discuss and decide which family member is most likely to perform the activity or exhibit the behavior described on the card.

  3. After a set amount of time or when all players have made their decision, each player secretly votes for their chosen family member.

  4. Once all votes are cast, reveal the votes and determine the family member with the most votes.

  5. The player who correctly guessed the majority vote earns a point. If multiple players guessed correctly, they each earn a point.

  6. Rotate the role of the reader to the next player, and continue playing rounds.

Winning the Game

  • The game continues for a predetermined number of rounds or until all cards have been played. The player or team with the most points at the end of the game wins.


  • Variant: Players can choose to play with or without the timer. If using the timer, players must make their decision before time runs out.

  • Scoring: Keep track of each player's or team's points on a notepad. The player or team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

  • Discussion: Encourage players to discuss their choices and provide reasons for their selections, leading to fun and lively conversations among family members.

"Who's Most Likely to... Kinda Clean Family Edition" is a light-hearted and entertaining party game that brings families together for laughter and fun. Enjoy guessing and discovering which family member is most likely to do various activities, creating memorable moments and shared experiences for all players.

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