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Official Disc Golf (Frisbee Golf) Rules

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Frisbee golf, also known as disc golf, is a fun and challenging outdoor game that combines elements of golf with throwing flying discs. Players aim to complete a course by throwing a disc from a designated tee area to a target basket in as few throws as possible. Here are the detailed rules for playing frisbee golf:


  • Discs: Players use specialized frisbees or discs designed for disc golf, including drivers, mid-range discs, and putters.

  • Target Baskets: Metal baskets with chains and a basket to catch the disc when thrown into it.

  • Tee Areas: Designated tee areas where players start each hole.


  1. Course Layout:

    • Set up a disc golf course with a series of holes, each consisting of a tee area and a target basket.

    • Designate fairways and hazards to add challenge to the course.

  2. Starting Position:

    • Players start at the tee area for the first hole, with each subsequent hole starting from its designated tee area.


  1. Starting the Game:

    • Determine the order of play, with players taking turns throwing their discs from the tee area.

    • The player with the lowest score on the previous hole typically starts the next hole.

  2. Throwing Discs:

    • Players throw their discs from the tee area toward the target basket in as few throws as possible.

    • The player must release the disc from behind the designated tee line.

  3. Advancing:

    • After each throw, players advance their discs toward the target basket, taking turns until all players have completed the hole.

  4. Scoring:

    • Players score points based on the number of throws it takes to complete each hole.

    • The player with the fewest throws on a hole scores the lowest and wins that hole.

  5. Penalties:

    • Penalties may be incurred for throwing out of bounds, landing in hazards, or violating course rules.

    • Players add penalty strokes to their scores for each infraction.

  6. Completing the Course:

    • Players continue playing through each hole until they complete the entire course.

    • The player with the lowest total score at the end of the course wins the game.

Additional Rules and Tips:

  • Etiquette: Maintain good sportsmanship and respect for fellow players and the course.

  • Safety: Be mindful of other players and bystanders while throwing discs.

  • Obstacles: Navigate around trees, bushes, and other obstacles strategically to avoid penalties and improve your score.

  • Practice: Regular practice improves throwing accuracy and course management skills.

Frisbee golf is a fun and accessible outdoor game suitable for players of all ages and skill levels. Whether played casually with friends or competitively in tournaments, frisbee golf offers a unique and enjoyable way to enjoy the outdoors and test your throwing skills.

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