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Official Tetherball Rules and Guide

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Tetherball is a fun and competitive game that is played with two players, a ball, and a metal pole with a rope attached to the top. The objective is to wrap the ball around the pole in your direction until the ball is completely wound around the pole. Here are the detailed rules for playing tetherball:


  1. Tetherball Set: Includes a metal pole, a rope, and a tetherball.

  2. Playing Area: Typically, a circular area around the pole, with a radius of about 10 feet, is used.

Basic Rules

  1. Setup:

    • The pole is erected vertically with the rope and ball hanging from the top.

    • The playing circle is marked around the pole.

  2. Starting the Game:

    • The game starts with one player serving. A coin toss can determine who serves first.

    • The server hits the ball in one direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) while the opponent tries to hit it in the opposite direction.

  3. Objective:

    • Each player attempts to hit the ball in their chosen direction (clockwise or counterclockwise) to wrap the rope completely around the pole.

  4. Winning the Game:

    • A player wins when the ball is wrapped completely around the pole so that there is no more slack in the rope.

Game Play

  1. Serving:

    • The server stands in the serving zone and hits the ball in their chosen direction to start the game.

    • After the serve, both players can move around the pole to hit the ball.

  2. Hitting the Ball:

    • Players can use their hands or forearms to hit the ball.

    • Players cannot catch or hold the ball; it must be hit cleanly.

  3. Restrictions:

    • Players must remain within the play area and cannot step out of bounds.

    • Players cannot touch the pole or the rope during play.

    • Players cannot hit the ball with any part of their body other than their hands or forearms.

  4. Faults:

    • Touching the pole or rope.

    • Stepping out of bounds.

    • Catching or holding the ball.

    • Hitting the ball with any part of the body other than the hands or forearms.

    • Double hitting the ball (hitting the ball more than once before it is hit by the opponent or wraps around the pole).

  5. Penalties:

    • If a player commits a fault, the opponent gets a free hit or the serve changes to the opponent.

    • If the ball touches the pole as a result of a fault, the opponent gets the serve.

Advanced Rules

  1. Winning Variations:

    • Some variations include a win condition where the rope must wrap around the pole a certain number of times (e.g., three times) before a win is declared.

  2. Timeouts:

    • Some variations allow for timeouts or breaks, especially in longer games or tournaments.

  3. Scoring System:

    • In tournament play, matches can be played to a certain number of points, with each wrap around the pole counting as one point.

Safety Tips

  1. Playing Surface: Ensure the playing area is flat and free of obstacles.

  2. Player Conduct: Play should be conducted in a fair and sportsmanlike manner to avoid injuries.

Tetherball is a fun and active game that requires skill, strategy, and a bit of luck.

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