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Official Couch Kittens Rules

Couch Kittens is a fast-paced and adorable card game where you collect fluffy kittens to fill a cozy couch. Here's a breakdown of the rules to get your competitive cuddling on:


The aim of Couch Kittens is to be the first player to collect a set number of kittens by completing various challenges and avoiding obstacles.


1. Shuffle the Deck: Thoroughly shuffle the deck of kitten cards.

2. Place the Couch: Place the couch card face up in the center of the playing area.


The game is played in rounds, with players taking turns in clockwise order. Here's what happens on your turn:

  1. Draw Cards: Draw three kitten cards from the deck and add them to your hand.

  2. Play a Kitten (Optional): You can choose to play one kitten card from your hand face up in front of you. This doesn't score points yet, but it can be used for strategic plays later.

3. Placing Kittens on the Couch (Mandatory):

The main objective of your turn is to place one kitten card from your hand onto the couch. You can place it on any of the five empty couch seats.

Placing Rules:

  • Numbers in Order (Optional): Ideally, you want to place your kittens in ascending numerical order based on their collar numbers (1 being the leftmost seat and 5 being the rightmost seat). This maximizes your score later.

  • Override with Higher Number:  However, you can strategically place a kitten with a higher collar number onto an already occupied seat on the couch. This "kicks out" the previously placed kitten, which goes to the discard pile.

End of Your Turn:

  1. Discard Pile: After placing your kitten on the couch (or choosing not to play a kitten), discard one card from your hand face down to a discard pile.

  2. Draw One (Optional): If you wish, you can draw one additional card from the deck to replenish your hand to three cards.

Winning the Game

The game ends when the draw pile is empty, and neither player has any cards left in their hand. Players then score points based on the kitten cards they have successfully placed on the couch:

  • 1 Point: Each kitten card on the couch scores 1 point.

  • Bonus Points (Optional):  Some versions of the game might award bonus points for having a complete set of kittens in numerical order on the couch (1-5).

The player with the highest score wins the game and is crowned the Cat cuddler Champion!


  • Fast-Paced Fun: Couch Kittens is a quick and easy game perfect for a short game night or a fun filler between activities.

  • Simple Rules, Deep Strategy: While the rules are easy to learn, there's a surprising amount of strategy involved in deciding which kitten to play and where to place it on the couch.

  • Adorable Artwork: The cute and colorful kitten cards add to the overall charm and fun factor of the game.

So gather your fellow cat lovers, shuffle the deck of kittens, and get ready to fill the couch with purrfectly placed felines in Couch Kittens! Remember, plan your placements, strategically "kick out" lower-numbered kittens, and cuddle your way to victory!

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